The Conscious Hustler knows that success is not a destination.

It is the ongoing path of consistent alignment of intention and ambition.


How this started…

A little background on the founder.

Tiffany Hardin coined the term, Conscious Hustler, in 2018 when she walked away from her last corporate job where she worked through some of the most confidence-shaking experiences as one of the only black leaders in a global organization.

Prior to this, she started her career in the music industry working with music and marketing moguls. The lessons learned were delivered via the ‘baptism by fire’ format and wasn’t a stranger to being in high-stress situations, dealing with V-VIP, developing operational excellence, delivering integral outcomes, and hustling to make the impossible possible.

Her remit was to lead talent programming and partnership efforts for a monthly global event series and had no support staff and definitely not a supportive manager. The experience at this global organization made her realize how grateful she was to have done her inner work. She walked away from that position because she was clear on who she was, her boundaries, and her hustle.

In her twenties, Tiffany quickly discovered that if she wanted to grow, evolve, and move up- she’d have to kiss the ring and/or move on. She did both. In 2011, she introduced her own marketing and management company, Gild Creative Group. Today, it is an award winning organization focused on strategy and influencer marketing for conscious and culture forward brands and talent.

Her goal is to ensure talent, visionaries and leadership can know success while still being spirit-led, kind, and tactful. Tiffany is an entrepreneur, creative agency founder, investor, educator, mentor, and humanitarian.


With this belief, we can turn our vulnerabilities into strengths and put consciousness on top of the hustle.

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